
Object - Lab 1


Lab 1: Overview

In object the last couple weeks, we have focused on the fundamentals of circuits through learning how to construct a simple copper tape circuit to later learn how to use a breadboard to build a series and parallel circuit. When creating circuits it is necessary to understand the flow of energy: specifically voltage, current and resistance.

Part 1: Copper Tape Circuits

In part 1, we were tasked with creating copper circuits that had a paper enclosure design to hide the circuit hardware. This exercise was to get us to start thinking in terms of the way energy flows by needs a movement that has a start and end that connects so it’s a never-ending cycle of energy flow. However, a flow of energy can be interjected with a switch, in this content, we make a switch by constructing a piece that would connect the circuit. This was as simple as connecting two pieces of copper tape with more copper tape.

Simply a battery, LED, and copper tape can make a circuit. The image below demonstrates how the circuit is connected and the components that it took.


Here is the physical look of the copper circuit. I had difficulty getting the copper tape to conduct electricity through without extreme force so I had to use additional conductor material like solder to create a stronger circuit. 


Part 2: Series and Parallel Circuits

In part 2, we learned about series and parallel circuits and how they have to be constructed. We were also introduced into higher voltage of power that had to make us think about what our LEDS could take. Since our LEDS  take .02 volts, we had to use resistors to make the flow of energy more redistricted so we would not short the LEDS. In order to know what resistor we needed for the specific circuits we have to use Omhs Law. Omhs law lets us use voltage, resistance, and current interchangeably. By using Omhs law we found that we needed to use a 330 resistor when two LEDs are connected into each other. 

Below is a picture of how a series circuit is constructed: 


Below is the working series circuit: 

Alternatively, a parallel circuit combines the same method but the flow of energy to the LEDs are constructed so it takes two resistors with two different paths so the LED's are not connected to the same flow of energy. This takes a bigger resistor because it only goes through one LED so we have to use a 475. 


And here is the working circuit on the breadboard: 

Part 3: Protoboard & Creative Enclosure

In part 3, we learned how to solder on protoboard. Protoboard is material that can help you create permanent circuits without having to be attached directly to the breadboard. Protoboards are used in a variety of projects; we were tasked with choosing on of the circuits we just learned about, soldering the circuit on a protoboard then creating an enclosure that utilized our newly constructed circuit. I decided to create a series circuit to create a illuminating light enclosure in a mason jar. Relearning how to solder reminded me how meticulous it is but can be an extremely useful took in efficient prototyping. After soldering a simple series circuit, I had to test my circuit by connecting it to a power source (AC current converted to DC) that is then connected to the breadboard to the protoboard. 

For my enclosure, I wanted to create an atmosphere that my circuit would enhance the experience. I have a couple cool art pieces that I have really enjoyed that have lived in an enclosed jar so I decided to create a space scene. I created planets with tin foil and the rocket with paper. Using tin foil gave the atmosphere to pick up that light from the LEDs and reflect it in different directions like a disco ball. 
